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Insurance and pension services Financial services7 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.: Telecommunications, computer, and information services Other business services1 Personal, cultural, and recreational services( Government goods and services n.i.e._Viet Nam 7Thailand 7 Singapore 7Pakistan 7Nepal 7Myanmar 7Malaysia 7Indonesia (...2002) 7 Indonesia 7India 7China 7Cambodia 7Brunei Darussalam 7Bhutan 7 Bangladesh 7 Afghanistan 7Lao People's Dem. Rep. 7: KYD B <cc  0 "o<PhaW  dMbP?_*+%"??U}                                                           3    0@1'A AAA@@  A*Ŏy@    E?      bX9H@ ~jt@ };l"37?     PnV@ E^@ "j@ B`"?m@ /$j@ C`h@ Mb`W@ qA@    ~  @ Zd{@@ ^I sU@ /$U@ X9>\@ /$b@ V-T@ \Z@    ~ YA@ ˡE@~  ZA y&1H@ I ґ@~ a@ ?5^ǐ@ (%@     V@ 1@q@A@ /7@ V-'g@ -吏}@ t@      rh? m@ K7A2@ MI@ J +D@ o:@ ʡE69@ *%C3@    /$+@-;o@d;O?~ aJ@ x&I@ 7A` D@~  @ XaV@    ~jt?q!FJ? -?     m? l ]l?    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"B@@D@F@I@Y@@Z@[@[@@_@ a@  d<bV>(  ~  <{XPP?i ]4@{$7} MM5ZKRd <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<~~  <L{XPP?i ]4@L{8} CXC_ <(-) Not publishable <: od~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{:} pDF- AD <(-) Not publishable < fth~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{x;} wՀJC_ޯc <(-) Not publishable <aler~~  < {XPP? i ]4@ {<} o=$D=>! <(5) Estimated <~~  <<{XPP?i ]4@<{H>} ȿ#RF}9Y+ l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<l~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{}  lKO <(-) Not publishable <~~  <8{XPP?i ]4@8{'} Z>skJ&ȇ <(-) Not publishable <~~   <`{XPP?i ]4 @`{!} {ͼ$`Kt p <(-) Not publishable <~~   <{XPP?i ]4 @{<-} xϨ1@ Zp <(-) Not publishable <~~   <{XPP?i ]4 @{.} \Ӷ E'j" <(-) Not publishable <~~   <{XPP?i ]4 @{} o叐SL }z7 <(-) Not publishable <~~   <{XPP? i ]4 @{}  QDT}f <(-) Not publishable <~~  <{XPP? i ]4@{} 2;3OAm <(5) Estimated <~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{ } NOkէFG Ha <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<~~  <h{XPP?i ]4@h{T} u,KOoL <(-) Not publishable <~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{} _vr9F <(-) Not publishable <~~  <{XPP?i ]4@{@} ܲaOt]eC <(-) Not publishable <~~  <{XPP? i ]4@{TB} yb HμVlb <(5) Estimated <~~  <{XPP? i]4@{C} ֤G;Lj  "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"~~  <<{XPP? i]4@<{$E} 7FN3`` <(-) Not publishable <edro~~  <d{XPP? i]4@d{F} g/&Q-FWa%ԋzu <(-) Not publishable <ov g~~  <{XPP? i]4@{G} e}ogDq(G <(-) Not publishable <byes~~  <{XPP? i]4@{\I} z<异L@[ <(5) Estimated <~~  <{XPP? i]4@{J} *PMO@p ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.<?~~  <p1 XPP? i]4@p1 ,L}  $VlEZ:- <(-) Not publishable <Chge~~  <1 XPP? i]4@1 M} f:BXC <(-) Not publishable <anin~~  <1 XPP? i]4@1 N} mV:@r.N@ <(-) Not publishable <on s~~  <1 XPP? i]4@1 O} Ȱq  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< ~~ $ <1 XPP? i]4$@1 Y} 2G D /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ns/an~~ % <<1 XPP? i]4%@<1 <[} )k#Mo  /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <an/, ~~ & <1 XPP? i]4&@1 \} A6E5yGFtې* /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <d /ar~~ ' <1 XPP? i]4'@1 ^} `o1OFef <(5) Estimated <~~ ( <1 XPP? i]4(@1 t_} r K%}xA_a <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<~~ ) <1 XPP? i]4)@1 `} ;ײ\MII VJD /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </~~ * <1 XPP? i]4*@1 Db} QO$) /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </~~ + <\1 XPP? i]4+@\1 c} .RHAE$\* /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </~~ , <1 XPP? i]4,@1 e} 0JH <(5) Estimated <~~ - <1 XPP?i]4-@1 |f} {GɼE+biۗ 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<0~~ . <0%1 XPP?i]4.@0%1 g} h24D! ^V /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < r/ht~~ / <&1 XPP?i]4/@&1 Li} $0yIh\HD /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <fr/ch~~ 0 <'1 XPP?i]40@'1 j} spwO׍ /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < i/pr~~ 1 <D)1 XPP?i ]41@D)1 l} o2cJ4F,_'} <(-) Not publishable < cpu~~ 2 <l*1 XPP? i ]42@l*1 m} 

1 XPP?i]4:@>1 x} !ÐA} <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<onne~~ ; <@1 XPP?i]4;@@1 ,z} @:BE4 /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <2)/om~~ < <HB1 XPP?i]4<@HB1 {} LI9@`g_ /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <e /nc<~~ = <C1 XPP?i]4=@C1 |} N&Jk(M;< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <di/ c<~~ > <E1 XPP? i]4>@E1 d~} ʍphEM|< <(5) Estimated < oco<~~ ? <F1 XPP?i]4?@F1 } 籨AbGZ< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.< dab<~~ @ <LH1 XPP?i]4@@LH1 4} ٳ2ƎoK&< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ A <I1 XPP?i]4A@I1 } 簞N`!< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ B <K1 XPP?i]4B@K1 } jM4Mh7V< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ C <`L1 XPP? i]4C@`L1 l} <ћGH2st< <(5) Estimated <<~~ D <|M1 XPP?i]4D@|M1 Ԇ} I +F"'6< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~ E <Q1 XPP?i]4E@Q1 <} DBȎBOn۷< <(-) Not publishable <e  t<~~ _ <1 XPP?i#]4_@1 h} PMKRI< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<oner<~~ ` <(1 XPP? i#]4`@(1 б} L).WAfR.< <(-) Not publishable <e rv<~~ a <P1 XPP?i$]4a@P1 8} l,SMPDLvJu< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<ecic<~~ b <Y1 XPP? i$]4b@Y1 } FY&'&KGE}oWU< <(-) Not publishable <d  a<~~ c <1 XPP? i%]4c@1 }  QGF{< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<t on<~~ d <P1 XPP?!i&]4d@P1 } .@dɜJOM U< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<thl d<~~ e <1 XPP?!i&]4e@1 } 4`BD$B< <(-) Not publishable <erce<~~ f <<1 XPP?!i&]4f@<1 l} W.@;Wb+mj< <(-) Not publishable < cr<~~ g <d1 XPP?!i&]4g@d1 Ի} ;qzH7G+G< <(-) Not publishable <o e <~~ h <1 XPP?!i&]4h@1 <} S@"7H2ަ< <(-) Not publishable <cton<~~ i <1 XPP?!i&]4i@1 } A~Ko'< <(-) Not publishable < ns<~~ j < 1 XPP?!i &]4j@ 1 } X6sH4dW8< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ k <41 XPP? !i &]4k@41 t} WZg:Br1I< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ l <X1 XPP? !i &]4l@X1 } M@إ tEO< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ m <|1 XPP? !i &]4m@|1 D} !hiFa"s\8< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ n <1 XPP? !i &]4n@1 } mr!mFfN31< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ o <1 XPP? !i&]4o@1 } 逹MLN+P< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ p <D1 XPP?"i']4p@D1 |} l>L *< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~ q <ܵ1 XPP?"i']4q@ܵ1 } ;CKoO̡"`5< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ r <1 XPP?#i(]4r@1 L} qTJL`y#E< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~ s <D1 XPP?#i(]4s@D1 } ,'HTC_l< <(-) Not publishable <edro<~~ t <l1 XPP?$i)]4t@l1 } ȽMu H04I< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ic/, <~~  <$ 2 XPP? +i 0]4@$ 2 3 ?F ͇ł< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < n/s<~~  < 2 XPP? +i0]4@ 2 h3  |.l@oۨ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  < 2 XPP?,i1]4@ 2 3 +5H|ᎎ< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~  <2 XPP?,i1]4@2 8 3 O?G:< <(-) Not publishable <d  a<~~  <2 XPP?-i2]4@2 3 Q/yKG 2";Ip< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<<~~  <2 XPP? -i2]4@2 43 @[#U"nAz< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~  <2 XPP?.i3]4@2 3 3F$yK< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~  <2 XPP?.i3]4@2 3 hK:"K+T< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP?.i3]4@2 l3 =b wF {vm< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <`2 XPP?.i3]4@`2 3 q~K7Cx&p͏< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <@2 XPP?.i3]4@@2 <3 DlLY/FP[< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <PW1 XPP?.i3]4@PW1 3 'IIa< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  < 2 XPP?.i 3]4@ 2 3 >J CA5s< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <!2 XPP? .i 3]4@!2 t3 ΢BJ`XdS< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  < #2 XPP? .i 3]4@ #2 3 :h*}'@8,x<< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <4$2 XPP? .i 3]4@4$2 D3 7mH!.,< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <\%2 XPP? .i 3]4@\%2 3 .]D?ӂo< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <&2 XPP? .i3]4@&2 3 7Z9,jLC*R:~(< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <'2 XPP?/i4]4@'2 | 3 (mfYMGߑv< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~  <D*2 XPP?/i 4]4@D*2 !3 7@IRVPӯ< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <l+2 XPP? /i 4]4@l+2 L#3 C|pHmm@< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <,2 XPP? /i 4]4@,2 $3 ͏Ch@i< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <-2 XPP? /i 4]4@-2 &3  AB7G1(ӗv< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <.2 XPP? /i 4]4@.2 '3 rlpI>?Np< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  </2 XPP? /i4]4@/2 (3 KG;âJ< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  < 12 XPP?0i5]4@ 12 T*3  PuLAHy|U< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~  <`42 XPP?0i 5]4@`42 +3 Q-4ME2\@< <(-) Not publishable <edro<~~  <52 XPP? 0i 5]4@52 $-3 p2 XPP?1i 6]4@>2 53 q _|@ya#< <(-) Not publishable <Chge<~~  <?2 XPP? 1i 6]4@?2 63 `;;?AMFp$)<]< <(-) Not publishable <anin<~~  <A2 XPP? 1i 6]4@A2 d83 T@XDY"< <(-) Not publishable <on s<~~  <DB2 XPP? 1i 6]4@DB2 93 3 Fb!K8pc]< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.<<~~  <lJ2 XPP?2i7]4@lJ2 l?3  zGxuq< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <il/ng<~~  <K2 XPP?2i7]4@K2 @3 Zl1?E$Y< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ge/ d<~~  <$M2 XPP?2i7]4@$M2 GO~< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <a2 XPP? 3i 8]4@a2 U3 n!x1J-6[< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <8b2 XPP? 3i8]4@8b2 TW3 b@'g]'J< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <`c2 XPP?4i9]4@`c2 X3 ~CˡwDT$< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<<~~  <e2 XPP?4i9]4@e2 $Z3 SJ%{R< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <Pg2 XPP?4i9]4@Pg2 [3 &JTqq< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <h2 XPP?4i9]4@h2 \3 yADDj< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <j2 XPP?4i9]4@j2 \^3 f,^B$< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <dk2 XPP?4i9]4@dk2 _3 pJ8B< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <l2 XPP?4i 9]4@l2 ,a3 Z$ELsBO< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <n2 XPP? 4i 9]4@n2 b3 $#xE@ē< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <xo2 XPP? 4i 9]4@xo2 c3 I9aAڹpB< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <p2 XPP? 4i 9]4@p2 de3 㥐N.wR< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <0r2 XPP? 4i 9]4@0r2 f3 ȵ2JF/i V< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <s2 XPP? 4i9]4@s2 4h3 Z,e:MڋQ0< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <t2 XPP?5i:]4@t2 i3 ywpGYL/d'XG< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<0<~~  <Dz2 XPP?5i:]4@Dz2 k3 d7IB f]< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < r/ht<~~  <{2 XPP?5i:]4@{2 ll3 ͊ZuNŲ2N< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <fr/ch<~~  <|2 XPP?5i:]4@|2 m3 HwHbZn _< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < i/pr<~~  <X~2 XPP?5i:]4@X~2 ]4@ 2 3 Ii>Ro< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<~ <~~   <H2 XPP?9i>]4 @H2 t3 ZՇ5eA;ey+< <(-) Not publishable <d  a<~~   <p2 XPP?9i>]4 @p2 ܡ3 &2;G3< <(-) Not publishable <atns<~~   <2 XPP?9i>]4 @2 D3 ^od!BtCI5< <(-) Not publishable <arta<~~   <2 XPP?9i>]4 @2 3 耞Ot˹< <(-) Not publishable <<~~   <2 XPP?9i>]4 @2 3 <ύ~H8^'͓]< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP?9i >]4@2 |3 1GYOk{;B6< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <82 XPP? 9i >]4@82 3 @WM6[Ma< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <`2 XPP? 9i >]4@`2 L3 ruim ]ONTA< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP? 9i >]4@2 3 +B A]4@2 3 =[7D"N@< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP? 9i>]4@2 3 *|MƌC:[< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP?:i?]4@2 3 \]L3"O< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<odan<~~  <h2 XPP? :i?]4@h2 3 ygADu< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~  <2 XPP?;i@]4@2 3 b&AXXJ9< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~  <2 XPP?;i@]4@2 P3 fubAH< <(-) Not publishable <y se<~~  <@2 XPP?;i@]4@@2 3 W] gL(n@&< <(-) Not publishable < ht <~~  <2 XPP?;i@]4@2 3 }jIN~< <(-) Not publishable <ta, <~~  <2 XPP?;i@]4@2 3 @.qDb@l< <(-) Not publishable <d l<~~  <2 XPP?;i@]4@2 3 gRz-GQ&< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  < 2 XPP?;i @]4@ 2 X3 *`O.rz< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <42 XPP? ;i @]4@42 3 l]8G"-< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <\2 XPP? ;i @]4@\2 (3 m K"< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <2 XPP? ;i @]4@2 3 µ x8I!>Dx< <(-) Not publishable <<~~   <2 XPP? ;i @]4 @2 3 v`L9,7< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ ! <2 XPP? ;i@]4!@2 `3 a>"#M< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ " <2 XPP?<iA]4"@2 3 Q! D/_gG< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~ # <2 XPP? <iA]4#@2 03 Sv[J@9p< <(5) Estimated <<~~ $ <2 XPP?=iB]4$@2 3 ÍFK|-< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~ % <2 XPP? =iB]4%@2 3 M/}G{ `< <(5) Estimated <acir<~~ & < 2 XPP?>iC]4&@ 2 h3 OYIΪS<|< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.< t?t <~~ ' <2 XPP? >iC]4'@2 3 ].5Gs!Bى< <(5) Estimated <ic, <~~ ( <2 XPP??iD]4(@2 83 'ΪyEIG52< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< Tec<~~ ) <T2 XPP? ?iD]4)@T2 3 "x\C"=uc< <(5) Estimated <f xe<~~ * <p2 XPP?@iE]4*@p2 3 6HJ*1D<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< o an<~~ + <2 XPP? @iE]4+@2 p3 8U!KPw< <(5) Estimated <sunc<~~ , <2 XPP?AiF]4,@2 3 GYÒO*=DТ< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<ig i<~~ - <02 XPP? AiF]4-@02 @3 o-Ⓡ}HNT< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~ . <L2 XPP?BiG]4.@L2 3 ʙOG1 < 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~ / <2 XPP? BiG]4/@2 3 H"nF!h A< <(5) Estimated <ars <~~ 0 <2 XPP?CiH]40@2 x3 nq(ީB@`ɻ< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<d ]nu<~~ 1 < {XPP? CiH]41@ {3 !@y< <(5) Estimated <ioof<~~ 2 < {XPP?DiI]42@ {H3 r)IFb_^< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<s tw<~~ 3 <{XPP? DiI]43@{3 _IJ|E :ț< <(5) Estimated <udth<~~ 4 <2 XPP?EiJ]44@2 3 T֬)C,A0'< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<e st<~~ 5 <02 XPP? EiJ]45@02 3 8` LH3nv`< <(5) Estimated <ctn)<~~ 6 <L2 XPP?FiK]46@L2 3 in @ٶ;< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<~ ig<~~ 7 <{XPP? FiK]47@{P3 ?_H|zdz< <(5) Estimated <upie<~~ 8 <{XPP?GiL]48@{3 F@CѨp?< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<<~~ 9 <X{XPP?Gi L]49@X{L3 H7J[ Ȩ< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~ : <t{XPP? Gi L]4:@t{3 _ <%{XPP? Ji O]4>@%{T3 - _LqF{{<  < (7) Break <wa ac<~~ ? <&{XPP?KiP]4?@&{3 ,7@e>UM(m< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.<s ? t<~~ @ <4*{XPP?Ki P]4@@4*{$3 ,A3xJ65< <(5) Estimated <ic, <~~ A <P+{XPP?LiQ]4A@P+{3 PF < <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< Tec<~~ B < {XPP?MiR]4B@ {3 (oDg:<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.<ir or<~~ C <2{XPP?NiS]4C@2{\3 U lJBQ|< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<xtsi<~~ D <|5{XPP?OiT]4D@|5{3 U5\ FKk< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<pr0em<~~ E <:{XPP?PiU]4E@:{,3 b ZIb|!< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<. ]cl<~~ F <F{XPP?QiV]4F@F{3 0̢y"jDFhן< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<isn <~~ G <H{XPP?Qi V]4G@H{3 Zo DSVs< <(-) Not publishable <orse<~~ H <I{XPP?RiW]4H@I{d3 ]@#jO.dU< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<s rv<~~ I <L{XPP?SiX]4I@L{3 sgW7(CE;5< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<cle <~~ J <pQ{XPP?TiY]4J@pQ{D3  wPM։Fi:< <Figures for "telecommunications, computer and information services" are estimated by UNCTAD-WTO, based on data reported on computer services by the Reserve Bank of India. "Telecommunications, computer and information services" exclude estimates for Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) and Business Process Outsourcing Services (BPO), (source: qBI, Survey on Computer Software & Information Technology Services Exports, various issues), which are then covered under "other business services".< <~~ K < {XPP?TiY]4K@ {3 2]LB< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<orti<~~ L <t\{XPP? TiY]4L@t\{03 L{ԊGNW|7< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~ M <]{XPP?UiZ]4M@]{D} FXA@maH< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~ N <T_{XPP?UiZ]4N@T_{} _ϴ{a<@J%AhtW< <(-) Not publishable <n mp<~~ O <R{XPP?UiZ]4O@R{0} -Fqܔ|Bco< <(-) Not publishable <ndnf<~~ P <L`{XPP?UiZ]4P@L`{} f mK@FDSd< <(-) Not publishable <at f<~~ Q <ta{XPP?UiZ]4Q@ta{} (:ZIޤ< <(-) Not publishable < Io<~~ R <b{XPP?UiZ]4R@b{h} 7S "C .p0< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ S <c{XPP?Ui Z]4S@c{ } P;[LCo< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ T <d{XPP? Ui Z]4T@d{8 } cDK7Cj0qb< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ U <f{XPP? UiZ]4U@f{ } 9'wWxAsHY< <(5) Estimated <<~~ V <0g{XPP?Vi[]4V@0g{} oIvL,ٯ7< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~ W <i{XPP? Vi[]4W@i{p} DCMRHyt< <(5) Estimated <<~~ X <j{XPP?Wi\]4X@j{} fkJHMZME < <(5) Estimated <tul <~~ ^ <v{XPP?Xi]]4^@v{H} r`GRO_< <(5) Estimated <erce<~~ _ <,w{XPP?Xi]]4_@,w{} s"F{M%8 )N< <(5) Estimated <tsur<~~ ` <Hx{XPP?Xi ]]4`@Hx{} 3[RL;T< <(5) Estimated <<~~ a <dy{XPP? Xi ]]4a@dy{} ?H>J^yB< <(5) Estimated <<~~ b <z{XPP? Xi ]]4b@z{} l0mH`< <(5) Estimated <<~~ c <{{XPP? Xi ]]4c@{{P } 02 HQK~< <(5) Estimated <<~~ d <|{XPP? Xi ]]4d@|{!} 2l‘K(L-Xʙ< <(5) Estimated <<~~ e <}{XPP? Xi]]4e@}{ #} <F] (< <(5) Estimated <<~~ f <~{XPP?Yi^]4f@~{$} ՛[J< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.<<~~ g <{XPP? Yi^]4g@{%} p|qnCFϷR< <(5) Estimated <f xe<~~ h <{XPP?Zi_]4h@{X'} <18pB/OkF<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< o an<~~ i <̇{XPP? Zi_]4i@̇{(} ZJQJ% F4Ix< <(5) Estimated <sunc<~~ j <{XPP?[i`]4j@{(*} ߢ0KשM< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<ig i<~~ k <|{XPP? [i`]4k@|{+} _@}NsZ5< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~ l <{XPP?\ia]4l@{,} 0aF0aq< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~ m <{XPP? \ia]4m@{`.} :`|G1 < <(5) Estimated <ars <~~ n <{XPP?]ib]4n@{/} #G7hZ Oy/< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<tr]em<~~ o <Ȟ{XPP?]ib]4o@Ȟ{01}  EA/ӒL[F< <(5) Estimated <ioof<~~ p <{XPP?]ib]4p@{2} Qms5A]OD< <(5) Estimated <amra<~~ q <{XPP?]ib]4q@{4} *]q@Xm < <(5) Estimated < ect<~~ r <{XPP?]ib]4r@{h5} SW,KyM< <(5) Estimated <este<~~ s <8{XPP?]ib]4s@8{6}  oGDځ{< <(5) Estimated < t i<~~ t <T{XPP?]i b]4t@T{88}  C H[O4L< <(5) Estimated <rves<~~ u <p{XPP? ]i b]4u@p{9} MaDFytQ< <(5) Estimated <ovio<~~ v <{XPP? ]i b]4v@{;} UOM*F`L>< <(5) Estimated <leon<~~ w <{XPP? ]i b]4w@{p<} k8M[Raf< <(5) Estimated <inud<~~ x <Ĩ{XPP? ]i b]4x@Ĩ{=}  Ldf@v< <(5) Estimated <- d <~~ y <{XPP? ]ib]4y@{@?} /QK?dE< <(5) Estimated <toze<~~ z <{XPP?^ic]4z@{@} = .ccKNq$W< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<3)nf<~~ { <({XPP?^ic]4{@({B} yFvFd[`< <(5) Estimated <ofew<~~ | <D{XPP?^ic]4|@D{xC} ZAV3C< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <г{XPP? ^i c]4@г{J} |NjHDE4< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <{XPP? ^i c]4@{K} JtX< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <{XPP? ^i c]4@{PM} [ DWR2< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <${XPP? ^i c]4@${N} Corb< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <@{XPP? ^ic]4@@{ P} MqTBJE[婺< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <\{XPP?_id]4@\{Q} d#1JSt< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<<~~  <{XPP? _id]4@{R} ^8JϜ< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <{XPP?`ie]4@{XT} Ʊz>Osh < <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~  <{XPP? `ie]4@{U} OVrz=NK< <(5) Estimated <upie<~~  <{XPP?aif]4@{(W} r*ɊM;I٫< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<se a<~~  <{XPP?aif]4@{X} O]QK)< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~  <{XPP?aif]4@{Y} y^xFI. d+< <(5) Estimated <seic<~~  <{XPP?aif]4@{`[} OQ`-O׌`y{< <(5) Estimated < svi<~~  <{XPP?aif]4@{\} "\.bLգ>< <(5) Estimated <s d <~~  <{XPP?ai f]4@{0^} viؒC?< <(5) Estimated <anmi<~~  <0{XPP? aif]4@0{_}  GABt< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.< t?t <~~  <T{XPP? eij]4@T{q} ԗLOxi*p< <(5) Estimated <ic, <~~  <p{XPP?fik]4@p{Hs} ZRpDیFXC< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< Tec<~~  < {XPP? fik]4@ {t} )ͷLO=8< <(5) Estimated <f xe<~~  <<{XPP?gil]4@<{v} ylNAlY<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< o an<~~  <L{XPP? gil]4@L{w} +}kD7< <(5) Estimated <sunc<~~  <h{XPP?him]4@h{x} 'V& }C8< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<ig i<~~  <{XPP? him]4@{Pz} D@́< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~  <{XPP?iin]4@{{} KFh< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~  <P{XPP? iin]4@P{ }} 6MҧIýE< <(5) Estimated <ars <~~  <l{XPP?jio]4@l{~} 9>swM-< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<tr]em<~~  < ~XPP? jio]4@ ~} gA݋6sİ< <(5) Estimated <ioof<~~  < ~XPP?kip]4@ ~X} Zo]xGP.1B?< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<s tw<~~  <~XPP? kip]4@~} lاlF; < <(5) Estimated <udth<~~  <{XPP?liq]4@{(} @ {j E=N B< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<e st<~~  <{XPP? liq]4@{} 72!PA īl,< <(5) Estimated <ctn)<~~  <{XPP?mir]4@{} oY A#f< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.< dig<~~  <{XPP? mir]4@{`} moMcuW< <(5) Estimated <upie<~~  <8{XPP?nis]4@8{ȉ} uhSF?Tlk< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<se a<~~  <~XPP?nis]4@~0} m Lcpc< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP?nis]4@~} hN'}%)G8<_< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP?nis]4@~} }1$iI ZSڦ< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP?nis]4@~h} h崋vLOD< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <@~XPP?nis]4@@~А} Mb tDr~]< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <d~XPP?ni s]4@d~8} DbVaJ5X< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP? ni s]4@~} !r#`JN*8< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP? ni s]4@~} ~󔝛XBr{< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP? ni s]4@~p} y9O[Kw-< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <~XPP? ni s]4@~ؗ} Ex1*O(W< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <t{XPP? nis]4@t{@} ҂DqM%"< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  < ~XPP?oit]4@ ~} hZ6VyCL C< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<l<~~  <t"~XPP?oit]4@t"~} m#.Am "~X~< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <#~XPP?oit]4@#~x} uAAi< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <$~XPP?oit]4@$~} ; BL-< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <%~XPP?oit]4@%~H} #n;MMe< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <'~XPP?oit]4@'~} {Jr 7B.]W< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <((~XPP?oi t]4@((~} ƪȵL:r< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <L)~XPP? oi t]4@L)~} !:B(< <(_) Not applicable <esGo<~~  <p*~XPP? oi t]4@p*~} {pGE8< <(_) Not applicable < a f<~~  <+~XPP? oi t]4@+~P} BmgFѦ\< <(_) Not applicable <inci<~~  <,~XPP? oi t]4@,~} %2bIʀ< <(_) Not applicable <ipon<~~  <-~XPP? oit]4@-~ } yОOj9h%2< <(_) Not applicable <byip<~~  </~XPP?piu]4@/~} mu'iEn%+JL< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~  <1~XPP?piu]4@1~} a!O|7< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <2~XPP?piu]4@2~X} wgȖ GcQF< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <3~XPP?piu]4@3~} 38JoG< <(_) Not applicable <faim<~~  <5~XPP?piu]4@5~(} ta!M46v< <(_) Not applicable <) d <~~  <(6~XPP?piu]4@(6~} GNڝM# I < <(_) Not applicable < ppe<~~  <L7~XPP?pi u]4@L7~} o`.E>iGHd)< <(_) Not applicable <okan<~~  <p8~XPP? pi u]4@p8~`} c(WL&`|< <(_) Not applicable <ng a<~~  <9~XPP? pi u]4@9~ȶ} *NqJ< <(_) Not applicable <ivpe<~~  <:~XPP? pi u]4@:~0} 5SB}Gr< <(_) Not applicable <orn<~~  <;~XPP? pi u]4@;~} B(.2|E L< <(_) Not applicable <orn<~~  <=~XPP? piu]4@=~}  LAoCp< <(_) Not applicable <tsur<~~  <$>~XPP?qiv]4@$>~h} +.wBFK< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~  <dA~XPP?qiv]4@dA~н} 7*5yYJ&U6g'Y< <(_) Not applicable <ir f<~~  <B~XPP?qiv]4@B~8} ˏj`tJ sIWW< <(_) Not applicable <tsov<~~  <C~XPP?qiv]4@C~} +;5PuC-:o8Q< <(_) Not applicable <oms <~~  <D~XPP?qiv]4@D~} 5[%PFB8Dc< <(_) Not applicable < di<~~  <E~XPP?qiv]4@E~p} =h~LT>|UN< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <G~XPP?qi v]4@G~} y@J)\< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <rgt< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <K~XPP? qi v]4@K~x} SCfaJf Ql< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <L~XPP? qiv]4@L~} /IzE< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <M~XPP?riw]4@M~H} Y Bn]E/pU< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.<z?<~~  <lQ~XPP?riw]4@lQ~} DyV< <(_) Not applicable <, ar<~~  <R~XPP?riw]4@R~} {>hK?8< <(_) Not applicable <tean<~~  <S~XPP?riw]4@S~} "TyK/!< <(_) Not applicable <crti<~~  <T~XPP?riw]4@T~} 4FL xA< <(_) Not applicable <s,o<~~  <U~XPP?riw]4@U~P} R3JmC68q-< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  < W~XPP?ri w]4@ W~} F!eN}VvW< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <DX~XPP? ri w]4@DX~ } ar&JPB΂v,-e< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <hY~XPP? ri w]4@hY~} V%B< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <Z~XPP? ri w]4@Z~} 6[ABHF'@< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <[~XPP? ri w]4@[~X} jy}eI΀BqdC< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <\~XPP? riw]4@\~} MabeA`U_< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <]~XPP?six]4@]~(} wJLtڳ>< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< <~~  <b~XPP?six]4@b~} jd"zBYOy < <(_) Not applicable <xeas<~~  <c~XPP?six]4@c~} qQI$ClL< <(_) Not applicable < a o<~~  <d~XPP?six]4@d~`} .]XCBD?cP̭< <(_) Not applicable < Ial<~~  <f~XPP?six]4@f~} [I=r}%G~5\:U< <(_) Not applicable <ret<~~  <8g~XPP?six]4@8g~0} Z2N_h < <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <\h~XPP?si x]4@\h~} \@j8L&D OS< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <i~XPP? si x]4@i~} F纭dExN/< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <j~XPP? si x]4@j~h} 37WH>< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <k~XPP? si x]4@k~} ]:ŦA,I%Y< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <l~XPP? si x]4@l~8}  A[L֕[4< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <n~XPP? six]4@n~} glpHҫA~yY`< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <4o~XPP?tiy]4@4o~} >]i]Lv*<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< <~~  <Dr~XPP?tiy]4@Dr~p} ^:M Kyq< <(_) Not applicable <ncan<~~  <hs~XPP?tiy]4@hs~} [@weSt< <(_) Not applicable <stda<~~  <t~XPP?tiy]4@t~@} c'!Kÿ0D< <(_) Not applicable <ndta<~~  <u~XPP?tiy]4@u~} p072M(O)< <(_) Not applicable <art<~~  <v~XPP?tiy]4@v~} +jqH+tA< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <w~XPP?ti y]4@w~x} }M>J t>< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <y~XPP? ti y]4@y~} O4&G5P7< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <@z~XPP? ti y]4@@z~H} E%ee O(l< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <d{~XPP? ti y]4@d{~} ?ޜMۡyn< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <|~XPP? ti y]4@|~} 񌧾aN;ϋH< <(_) Not applicable <<~~  <}~XPP? tiy]4@}~} VO_l=?MdURI\P< <(_) Not applicable <s r <~~  <p~XPP?vi{]4@p~ 1*MzX t< <(_) Not applicable <duri<~~  <~XPP?vi{]4@~p qPRM1żSGo< <(_) Not applicable <gefo<~~  <~XPP?vi{]4@~ YU#Ir! < <(_) Not applicable <di i<~~  <ܗ~XPP?vi{]4@ܗ~@ K;<1Lߛ`/< <(_) Not applicable <ris,<~~  <~XPP?vi {]4@~ 5@3bN/9x< <(_) Not applicable <edig<~~  <$~XPP? vi {]4@$~ 9ۃ@Xee< <(_) Not applicable <ty.i<~~  <H~XPP? vi {]4@H~x >*xFKk < <(_) Not applicable <tstr<~~  <l~XPP? vi {]4@l~ (.L' EHϵ< <(_) Not applicable <re, <~~  <~XPP? vi {]4@~H hYO7ȝ< <(_) Not applicable <lins<~~  <~XPP? vi{]4@~  LI `RQ iJxLWNS< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ / <h~XPP? xi }]4/@h~? d^OFlGBvl< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 0 <~XPP? xi }]40@~A l (nЧCkk!< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 1 <~XPP? xi}]41@~pB D^ }:< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 2 <~XPP?yi~]42@~C !y|L+p;< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<<~~ 3 <~XPP?yi~]43@~@E $b/A]Xk< <(_) Not applicable <l<~~ 4 <(~XPP?yi~]44@(~F ĩoZJLq/< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 5 <L~XPP?yi~]45@L~H chQ&G5< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 6 <p~XPP?yi~]46@p~xI _Tu D 8=!< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 7 <~XPP?yi~]47@~J gsOIB! < <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 8 <~XPP?yi ~]48@~HL xܘF+ ^< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ 9 <~XPP? yi ~]49@~M *(Onh%< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ : <~XPP? yi ~]4:@~O 6\EV[Ⓢ< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ ; <$~XPP? yi ~]4;@$~P eCOK$rn< <(_) Not applicable <(1Te<~~ < <H~XPP? yi ~]4<@H~Q xD8Y'I ],< <(_) Not applicable <, ag<~~ = <l~XPP? yi~]4=@l~PS ByLh!zÓ< <(_) Not applicable <lesi<~~ > <~XPP?zi]4>@~T i=B@uA< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~ ? <~XPP?zi]4?@~LV C.Q _F< <(_) Not applicable <lby<~~ @ <~XPP?zi]4@@~W gf(8ƂKJ =< <(_) Not applicable <anat<~~ A <~XPP?zi]4A@~Y =6U<@-ؕ< <(_) Not applicable <coul<~~ B <$~XPP?zi]4B@$~Z  ȥB!K U X.< <(_) Not applicable <d l<~~ C <H~XPP?zi]4C@H~[ 9\+lsNؘ'G޽< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ D <l~XPP?zi ]4D@l~T] L}E[~EzҨ< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ E <~XPP? zi ]4E@~^ ʟ쾆D0$p;< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ F <~XPP? zi ]4F@~$` 0>Q5Hyjդ< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ G <~XPP? zi ]4G@~a D^M nݿ `< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ H <~XPP? zi ]4H@~b ?ёQxBL4< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ I < ~XPP? zi]4I@ ~\d wBV7F;u< <(_) Not applicable <<~~ J <~XPP?{i]4J@~e rz4-4*J*I~(< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<se a<~~ K <~XPP? {i ]4K@~Xg *r\ J~G6< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~ L <~XPP? {i]4L@~h 't}EN/^Zm< <(5) Estimated <seic<~~ M <~XPP?|i]4M@~(j bz&B}6 < l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<lce<~~ N <S{XPP?|i]4N@S{k unJ4 ,8< <(-) Not publishable <ipon<~~ O <d~XPP?|i]4O@d~l sl$E=ATD< <(-) Not publishable <ffan<~~ P <~XPP?|i]4P@~`n WxsEw,< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ Q <~XPP?|i]4Q@~o :K`DmI< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ R <~XPP?|i]4R@~0q S(=kHs < <(-) Not publishable <<~~ S <~XPP?|i ]4S@~r :/x%OhZ*Y< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ T <,~XPP? |i ]4T@,~t gWDƽdG< <(-) Not publishable <y le<~~ U <T~XPP? |i ]4U@T~hu 6㤅A@ i(< <(-) Not publishable <elis<~~ V <|~XPP? |i ]4V@|~v ai'UQ< <(-) Not publishable <daiz<~~ l <XPP?i]4l@ qi#IF+M h֏< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<peio<~~ m <XPP?i]4m@( Y;JBȪ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ n < XPP?i]4n@  _nƗO]&{Ê< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ o <D"XPP?i]4o@D" ZcYDə< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ p <#XPP?i]4p@#` iicLE>< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ q <$XPP?i]4q@$Ȝ zN V\< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ r <X&XPP?i ]4r@X&0 Y|ƜG%_&l< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ s <'XPP? i ]4s@' < G SL\<)< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ t <(XPP? i]4t@( S@kN+7< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ u <*XPP?i]4u@*h L&iZK=!mXA< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<0<~~ v <`/XPP?i]4v@`/У cXsN\ >x< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < r/ht<~~ w <0XPP?i]4w@08 @W6wDr@"< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <fr/ch<~~ x <2XPP?i]4x@2 3-QJAkJ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </pr<~~ y <t3XPP?i]4y@t3 0,Bo(< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </ap<~~ z <4XPP?i]4z@4p Ga5N?cJK< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <(s/h <~~ { <,6XPP?i ]4{@,6ت WE"|OQ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <em/ks<~~ | <7XPP? i ]4|@7@ !5$M*i< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <r /ce<~~ } <8XPP? i ]4}@8 &-{Aq< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ ~ <@:XPP? i ]4~@@: Īw$I{/L< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <;XPP? i ]4@;x \6Jn?S< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <<XPP? i]4@<ు h9D]E{< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <T>XPP?i]4@T>H )duC]l< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<]<~~  < JXPP? i ]4@ J 6mk2@Ю!]< <(-) Not publishable < snd<~~  <4KXPP? i]4@4K :*n}HjOC0r< <(-) Not publishable <d le<~~  <\LXPP?i]4@\L *:G2O< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<e  t<~~  <NXPP?i]4@N踁 DFLC]< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <rv/es<~~  <OXPP?i]4@OP 7y[k%NnxHMY< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < s/vi<~~  <@QXPP?i]4@@Q bpC?F ,&< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <rm/io<~~  <RXPP?i]4@R  (QgD޸U}< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <in/se<~~  <SXPP?i]4@S мJ`t/< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <in/, <~~  <TUXPP?i ]4@TU CGW"zUNn< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <s /th<~~  <VXPP? i ]4@VX cn|cKE&l< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < p/to<~~  < XXPP? i ]4@ X p(jBJ3< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ic/, <~~  <hYXPP? i ]4@hY(ā TOUZ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < n/s<~~  <ZXPP? i ]4@ZŁ C1A&cۃ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  < \XPP? i]4@ \Ɓ <N< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <|]XPP?i]4@|]`ȁ zj"x@fIzG< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<<~~  <_XPP?i]4@_Ɂ  pJ:@t< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <aXPP?i]4@a0ˁ ' ahAEtvɔ((< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <dbXPP?i]4@db́ ؈_J%(+Dd< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <cXPP?i]4@c΁ >!StIHSb< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <eXPP?i]4@ehρ z=OM:C \< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <xfXPP?i ]4@xfЁ jvLgY1< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <gXPP? i ]4@g8ҁ OiYM!?Չ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <0iXPP? i ]4@0iӁ &uTή8NĴ,O$V< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <jXPP? i ]4@jՁ % L:O +< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <kXPP? i ]4@kpց n;NLv6< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <le/si<~~  <DmXPP? i]4@Dmׁ :H9Wn< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <e,/le<~~  <nXPP?i]4@n@ف )8N5 oU< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~  <rXPP? i ]4@rځ mYoLICIKA< <(-) Not publishable <d  a<~~  <sXPP? i]4@s܁ O ;()< <(-) Not publishable <atns<~~  <LwXPP?i]4@Lw݁ P E0laS< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<ndnt<~~  <DxXPP? i]4@Dx ߁ udaI$d< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~  <`yXPP?i]4@`yt 'dDݠ>gD}< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~  <~XPP?i ]4@~ k*U㟊V@\!g8S<  < (7) Break <ns (b<~~  <,uXPP? i]4@,uD 4pFhP< <(5) Estimated <ul s<~~  <0~XPP?i]4@0~ "e٨RLk͙< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~  <lXPP? i]4@l mANj֢< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <XPP?i]4@| H(D xQ< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~  <ȆXPP? i]4@Ȇ  AK 0< <(5) Estimated <acir<~~  <XPP?i]4@L D KwE< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.< t?t <~~  <`XPP? i]4@` H4,$Lwa < <(5) Estimated <ic, <~~  <|XPP?i]4@| 輠9#3N-̠m^< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< Tec<~~  <,XPP? i]4@, z̾+C;V#< <(5) Estimated <f xe<~~  <HXPP?i]4@H A`|GQe3HX/g<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< o an<~~  <XXPP? i]4@XT  ;MW†A< <(5) Estimated <sunc<~~  <tXPP?i]4@t 8^0@CPnyN< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<ig i<~~  <XPP? i]4@$ {NC< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~  <$XPP?i]4@$ 9Ly$< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~  <XPP? i]4@ 5H_xG< <(5) Estimated <ars <~~  <XPP?i]4@\ :;Eavrc< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<tr]em<~~  <TXPP? i]4@T ??Ohï< <(5) Estimated <ioof<~~  <pXPP?i]4@p, Ͻ>FCuu< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<s tw<~~  <XPP? i]4@ kwL෨AnҢd< <(5) Estimated <udth<~~  <XPP?i]4@ ҟo7F#< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<e st<~~  <XPP? i]4@d 0uO5E)=< <(5) Estimated <ctn)<~~  <XPP?i]4@D 0XM]< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.< dig<~~  <,XPP? i]4@, rS@CG&< <(5) Estimated <upie<~~  <tXPP?i]4@t@ #~+~J/8‡T+< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<<~~  <XPP? i]4@ |%HAJY< <(-) Not publishable <: od<~~  <hXPP?i]4@h, F3L0S< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<erlce<~~  <<XPP? i]4@< ؞ LACCL< <(-) Not publishable < cr<~~  <dXPP?i]4@d  V!$DB:H< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<Gorn<~~  <XPP? i]4@d  M'=D>0~< <(-) Not publishable < ten<~~  <$XPP?i]4@$  uX AӢ`< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<na"on<~~  <dXPP? i]4@d4 {w}RU:OG6< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <XPP?i]4@ w¢zVF*'< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <an/, <~~  <@XPP?i]4@@& !;۔Bw1Ǥm< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <d /ar<~~  <XPP?i]4@' :ys/B٩rQ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i]4@( ޥ)N."< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <TXPP?i ]4@TT* _ Jz(L< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i ]4@+ (6jYњFI+Xˬ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  < XPP? i]4@ $-  wɣpFdj}< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <4XPP?i]4@4. N}H< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<<~~  <XPP?i]4@/ @x(Ht;?< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <$XPP?i]4@$\1 S=VOLp< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i]4@2 oiFS@l6ڐ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i]4@,4 |ZxJ~rW< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <8XPP?i]4@85 C[@S>2'< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i ]4@6 x0xO`< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i ]4@d8 ֞@"O.fC< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <LXPP? i ]4@L9 g2%F#zG5< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i ]4@4; f#Nr]B0D;'< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i ]4@< vIkHC;.< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i]4@> i}~rO{K}< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i]4@l? : m3C..&< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<0<~~  <XXPP?i]4@X@ iMSH9ݡ#O< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < r/ht<~~  <XPP?i]4@XPP? i ]4@p>m  FopLHa< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <?XPP? i]4@? <XPP? i ]4>@( 1AoCHJ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <r /ce<~~ ? <FXPP? i ]4?@F LΨN < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ @ <4XPP? i ]4@@4 5N#GN[A5:< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ A <XPP? i ]4A@`€  vvGe< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ B <죃XPP? i]4B@죃À `f"QG)֦< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ C <HXPP?i]4C@H0ŀ RXO j1< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<]<~~ D <XPP? i]4D@ƀ ʕ4< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<oner<~~ H <XPP?i]4H@8̀ Z`E)^ < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <fo/at<~~ I <XPP?i]4I@̀ 4@!D7.< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ss/g <~~ J <dXPP?i]4J@dπ Zn{N'wo< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <rd/gs<~~ K <XPP?i]4K@pЀ d<7DQ[< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <er/wi<~~ L <XPP?i]4L@р u2i@Q4=< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <s,/ho<~~ M <xXPP?i ]4M@x@Ӏ sEMz?< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <rv/es<~~ N <ԿXPP? i ]4N@ԿԀ fE?"K}~/< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <to/ew<~~ O <0XPP? i ]4O@0ր |ѬǿEa?< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ P <ƒXPP? i ]4P@ƒx׀ 8RvE`h<< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ Q <ÃXPP? i ]4Q@Ã؀ 5@v|Nczo< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ R <DŃXPP? i]4R@DŃHڀ A=\j%F8< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~ S <ƃXPP?i]4S@ƃۀ B:pOof< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~ T <ʃXPP? i]4T@ʃ݀ UB @oL6-< <(-) Not publishable <d  a<~~ U <̓XPP?i]4U@̓ހ 4erJqI < <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<<~~ V <@҃XPP? i]4V@@҃߀ rJRf5G8lO< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~ W <\ӃXPP?i]4W@\ӃP %p]ExϺ0< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~ X <0ՃXPP?i]4X@0Ճ )dHp*< <(-) Not publishable <<~~ Y <XփXPP? i]4Y@Xփ  L/VF6Q< <(5) Estimated <<~~ Z <t׃XPP?i]4Z@t׃ 1J5\&'qj< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<<~~ [ < ڃXPP? i]4[@ ڃ EBI ƱG< <(5) Estimated <<~~ \ <(ۃXPP?i]4\@(ۃX GVBHPM/P< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~ ] <hރXPP? i]4]@hރ ve•J1t\< <(5) Estimated <acir<~~ ^ <߃XPP?i]4^@߃( c'4NjL6< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.< t?t <~~ _ <XPP? i]4_@ 8olF2BԶ< <(5) Estimated <ic, <~~ ` <XPP?i]4`@ -#jᒩK{.Z< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.< Tec<~~ a <XPP? i]4a@` "CV&< <(5) Estimated <f xe<~~ b <XPP?i]4b@  v1@T.<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< o an<~~ c <XPP? i]4c@0 a+)F|< <(5) Estimated <sunc<~~ d <XPP?i]4d@ DR}v\Lb<^< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<ig i<~~ e <FXPP? i]4e@F BG>#G=< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~ f <XPP?i]4f@h 8SXOރ< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~ g <XPP? i]4g@ MzjxؑFٙ%G< <(5) Estimated <ars <~~ h <4XPP?i]4h@48 V,K[6;Be< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<tr]em<~~ i < XPP? i]4i@  FNOs53 I< <(5) Estimated <ioof<~~ j < XPP?i]4j@  '?8lKW3< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<s tw<~~ k <XPP? i]4k@p pC.EJ1y< <(5) Estimated <udth<~~ l <pXPP?i]4l@p G{QMJw,I< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<e st<~~ m <XPP? i]4m@x sU8_ݳJ=Y?< <(5) Estimated <ctn)<~~ n <XPP?i]4n@ lYF@B\O< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.< dig<~~ o <XPP? i]4o@d qlKN)< <(5) Estimated <upie<~~ p <XPP?i]4p@ Dd092NcW< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<<~~ q <XPP?i]4q@` d@@< l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<thl d<~~ r <XPP?i]4r@ xVO3Wץ< <Include all transport services involving the carriage of people and objects from one location to another as well as related supporting and auxiliary services. Also included are postal and courier services.<oner<~~ s <XPP?i]4s@0  UV=B< "<#Travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to these other economies.<"<~~ t <XXPP?i]4t@X  z\.L|< ?<@Covers: Construction, Insurance and pension services, Financial services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., Telecommunications, computer and information services, Other business services, Personal, cultural and recreational services, Government goods and services n.i.e., and Services not allocated.<?<~~ u <"XPP?i]4u@"  "AP.RD*:ԁ< <Construction covers the creation, renovation, repair, or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature, and other such engineering constructions as roads, bridges, dams, and so forth. It also includes related installation and assembly work. It includes site preparation and general construction as well as specialized services such as painting, plumbing, and demolition. It also includes management of construction projects.<rede<~~ v <'XPP?i]4v@'h  ~D\I: ^<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.<ir or<~~ w <*XPP?i]4w@* AiqE󻔀˚< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<xtsi<~~ x <(-XPP?i]4x@(-8 a[I`QQj&< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<pr0em<~~ y <2XPP?i]4y@2 #yt@*ԗڟ< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<. ]cl<~~ z <<>XPP?i]4z@<> 4JT#=< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<isn <~~ { <8@XPP?i]4{@8@p }Y厝[D+Ov< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<e bi<~~ | <hBXPP?i]4|@hB .r+ErVW,< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<onst<~~ } <GXPP?i]4}@GP lY3Lp@'< <In this table, services are classified into following four main categories: Goods-related services, transport, travel and other services. Other services are further disaggregated into: construction, insurance and pension services, financial services, charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e., telecommunications, computer and information services, other business services, personal, cultural and recreational services, government goods and services n.i.e., and services not allocated.<omby<~~ ~ <8LXPP? i]4~@8L Ц@N?xG< <(5) Estimated <goes<~~  <TMXPP?i]4@TM< CM( < l<mCovers: Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others and Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.<cil s<~~  <(OXPP?i]4@(O &LBY?c'< <(-) Not publishable <ta, <~~  <PXPP?i]4@P  8LIHK< <(-) Not publishable <d l<~~  <˃XPP?i]4@˃t gkmwpIb2l< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <OXPP?i]4@O G'VOҾ*< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <$QXPP?i]4@$QD! ,QKOS(< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <LRXPP?i ]4@LR" ZLYBYt]< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <tSXPP? i ]4@tS$ ك$dCm_< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <TXPP? i ]4@T|%  0;zOs0< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <UXPP? i ]4@U&  s[F0Ŋi< <(-) Not publishable <<~~  <VXPP? i ]4@VL( @ BB8^aa< <(-) Not publishable <pur <~~  <XXPP? i]4@X) 9^Zl< <(5) Estimated < iur<~~  <sXPP?i]4@s; wNJ8HSq< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<ar0ze<~~  <xXPP? i]4@xd= G_M~@< <(5) Estimated <ars <~~  <zXPP?i]4@z> GDJ7|&< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<tr]em<~~  <XPP? i]4@4@ Q`v6: IbO,r< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <؆XPP?i]4@؆A IMD'/< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<<~~  <XPP? i]4@C  }?^yD.֑< <(5) Estimated <<~~  < XPP?i]4@ lD ڒjr$еN&Lj܀< <Personal, cultural, and recreational services consist of (a) audiovisual and related services and (b) other personal, cultural, and recreational services.<<~~  <PXPP? i]4@PE XC޼cR< <(5) Estimated <<~~  <lXPP?i]4@lzKAE!FD< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <il/ng<~~  <HXPP?i]4@Hj H1Ou;R< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <ge/ d<~~  <XPP?i]4@k J*NGE< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <de/re<~~  <XPP?i]4@`m \uKJ< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <al/er<~~  <\XPP?i]4@\n ]o*JBQb < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <id/ts<~~  <XPP?i ]4@0p BKXJb^B< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <ÅXPP? i ]4@Åq {.H*z^< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <pąXPP? i ]4@pąs WmO&8;< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <ŅXPP? i ]4@Ņht a+a]F'me#4< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <(DžXPP? i ]4@(Džu (ƁiA`[0:< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <ȅXPP? i]4@ȅ8w KdH2Bۉ?S< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <ɅXPP?i]4@Ʌx 2^\IM<  < Insurance and pension services include services of providing life insurance and annuities, nonlife insurance, reinsurance, freight insurance, pensions, standardized guarantees, and auxiliary services to insurance, pension schemes, and standardized guarantee schemes.< <~~  <̅XPP? i]4@̅z _ >L5EVH< <(-) Not publishable <e d <~~  <΅XPP?i]4@΅p{ @xGE )?< <Financial services cover financial intermediary and auxiliary services, except insurance and pension fund services. These services include those usually provided by banks and other financial corporations.<nsan<~~  <ЅXPP? i]4@Ѕ| Z17,NǨW~H< <(-) Not publishable <peio<~~  <хXPP?i]4@х@~  @EG޺Ss=< 0<1Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. include: (a) charges for the use of proprietary rights (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial processes and designs including trade secrets, franchises) and (b) charges for licenses to reproduce or distribute (or both) intellectual property embodied in produced originals or prototypes (such as copyrights on books and manuscripts, computer software, cinematographic works, and sound recordings) and related rights (such as for live performances and television, cable, or satellite broadcast).<0<~~  <ׅXPP?i]4@ׅ h Fs~ < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < r/ht<~~  <t؅XPP?i]4@t؅ fa{MnjpB< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <fr/ch<~~  <مXPP?i]4@مx NsIM k < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported < i/pr<~~  <,ۅXPP?i]4@,ۅ pɛLm< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <to/ap<~~  <܅XPP?i]4@܅H 甲t5Ahw< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <(s/h <~~  <݅XPP?i ]4@݅ B9BHxx{< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <em/ks<~~  <@߅XPP? i ]4@@߅ ZLU9>< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported <r /ce<~~  <XPP? i ]4@ ֡M:,o< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i ]4@芆 vrNp&Q< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <TXPP? i ]4@TP o)wEd5 < /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP? i]4@ E #M;< /<0(..) Not available or not separately reported </<~~  < XPP?i ]4@    \Ce]qK[< ]<^(1) Telecommunications services encompass the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television cable transmission, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, facsimile, and so forth, including business network services, teleconferencing, and support services. They do not include the value of the information transported. Also included are mobile telecommunications services, Internet backbone services, and online access services, including provision of access to the Internet. Excluded are installation services for telephone network equipment (included in construction) and database services (included in information services). (2) Computer services consist of hardware- and software-related services and data-processing services. Exclude noncustomized packaged software (systems and applications), and video and audio recordings, on physical media; computer-training courses not designed for a specific user; and leasing of computers without an operator. (3) Information services include news agency services, such as the provision of news, photographs, and feature articles to the media. Other information provision services include database services, direct non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other online content provision services, and library and archive services.<]<~~  <XPP? i ]4@  MU҈< <(-) Not publishable < snd<~~  <XPP?i]4@ s}cL D+U< <Other business services cover research and development, professional and management consulting and technical, trade-related and other business services.<orse<~~  <XPP?i]4@X ?ªIEa$ h< <(-) Not publishable <e  t<~~  <@XPP?i]4@@ QHapF%< <(-) Not publishable <ic, <~~  <hXPP?i]4@h( [t#AB'!L< <(-) Not publishable <ofcc<~~  <XPP?i]4@ v1c2 G9$w5< <(-) Not publishable <k ui<~~  <XPP?i]4@ ?UL`< <(-) Not publishable <iose<~~  <XPP?i ]4@` C+zNN)S< <(-) Not publishable <vis <~~  <XPP? i ]4@ț FO>7P< <(-) Not publishable <msnd<~~  <0XPP? i ]4@00 F0:@fEh< <(-) Not publishable <trni<~~  <XXPP? i ]4@X U=PM&yqm< <(-) Not publishable <t  o<~~  <XPP? i ]4@ HqF@q<< <(-) Not publishable <pris<~~  <XPP? i]4@h ļO S: < <(-) Not publishable <iopr<~~  <XPP?i]4@Т p< /<0(..) 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Not available or not separately reported </<~~  <XPP?i]4@ ChPGd.Z< <Government goods and services n.i.e. cover: (a) goods and services supplied by and to enclaves, such as embassies, military bases, and international organizations; (b) goods and services acquired from the host economy by diplomats, consular staff, and military personnel located abroad and their dependents; and (c) services supplied by and to governments and not included in other categories of services.<<~~  <<XPP? i]4@< &nnCHξNsy7< <(-) Not publishable <d  a\O\O\O\O \O\O\O\O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O \O  \O !\O "\O #\O $\O %\O &\O '\O(\O)\O*\O+\O ,\O-\O.\O/\O0\O1\O 2\O 3\O 4\O5\O6\O7\O8\O 9\O:\O;\O<\O=\O >\O?\O@\OA\OB\O C\OD\OE\OF\OG\O H\OI\O J\OK\O L\OM\O N\OO\O P\OQ\O R\OS\O T\OU\O V\OW\O X\OY\O Z\O[\O \\O]\O ^\O_\O `\O a\O b\O!c\O"d\O"e\O"f\O"g\O"h\O"i\O"j\O"k\O" l\O" m\O" n\O" o\O#p\O#q\O$r\O$s\O%t\O%u\O&v\O&w\O&x\O&y\O&z\O&{\O&|\O&}\O& ~\O& \O& \O& \O'\O'\O(\O(\O)\O)\O*\O*\O+\O+\O+\O+\O+\O+\O+ \O+ \O,\O,\O,\O,\O,\O,\O,\O,\O, \O, \O, \O, \O-\O-\O.\O. \O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/\O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O0\O0\O0\O0 \O0 \O0 \O0 \O1\O1\O1\O1 \O1 \O1 \O1 \O2\O2\O2\O2 \O2 \O2 \O2 \O3\O3\O3\O3\O3\O3\O3\O3\O3 \O3 \O3 \O3 \O4\O4\O4\O4 \O4 \O4 \O4 \O5\O5\O5\O5\O5\O5\O5\O5\O5 \O5 \O5 \O5 \O6\O6\O6\O6\O6\O6\O6\O6\O6 \O6 \O6 \O6 \O7\O7\O7\O7 \O7 \O7 \O7 \O8\O8\O8\O8 \O8 \O8 \O8 \O9\O9\O9\O9\O9\O9\O9\O9\O9 \O9 \O9 \O9 \O:\O: \O: \O: \O: \O: \O:\O:\O: \O: \O: \O: \O;\O; \O<\O<\O<\O<\O<\O<\O<\O<\O< \O< \O< \O< !\O="\O= #\O>$\O> %\O?&\O? 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